Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Raising Support for Latvia Trip

As some of you already know, I've been invited to travel to Latvia (northeast Europe) in May with a group of 10-15 men. Our purpose there is twofold: finish building some cabins in a Christian camp and train church planters throughout the country. 

The Christian camp is located on the western part of the country near the Baltic Sea. It is there that part of our team will be finishing three cabins to make more room for campers. 

Pastor David Fairchild and I will primarily be traveling the country, which is about the size of West Virginia, to visit, train, and pray with young men who are attending or have graduated from the Baltic Pastoral Institute. The vision of this institute is "to see the development of healthy missional pastors who will establish and lead churches and Christ-honoring communities in the Baltic region, beginning in Latvia." 

I'm writing to ask for your support in two ways: First, that you would commit to praying for me and our team as we travel and serve, as well as for Mackenzie and the kids while I'm away. Second, that you would consider a financial contribution, which is tax deductible, to offset the $2500 cost of the trip. (For those of you thinking about getting me a birthday present this month, here's a great option for you!)    

To make a financial contribution: 
  • Make checks payable to National Christian Foundation
  • Include "The Bell Foundation of Hope Fund (629370)" in the memo field
  • Send/Give the check to me so I can send them all together
Feel free to share this information with anyone else you think might be interested in contributing. 

Thank you for your prayers and consideration. I look forward to sharing my experience with you when I return.