I love coming home from work, especially this time of year. After letting the troops out to potty in the back yard, I race to the mailbox to see the Christmas cards that arrived! Then, while Gunner and Tucker compete for my attention, I read each word of the letters and enjoy those charming picture cards.
I also love sending cards...hopefully yours arrived safely! :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I am continually amazed at what a nine month old lab will eat. You might think that Gunner would be interested in steak, fresh fruit, and chocolate...and you'd be right. But with a little discipline or an attempt at it, we've managed to make sure that he doesn't jump on the counter or eat off people's plates. Yet, he finds the oddest items to ingest.
This morning was no exception.
Each morning, I hop in the shower after dragging myself out of my snuggly, warm bed. Only to be greeted by two overly energetic creatures, tails wagging. In the 10 minutes I'm in the shower and Cliff is in bed, we trust Tucker and Gunner to behave themselves. Usually, all is well, and Gunner relaxes in the steamy bathroom on the bathmat. This morning though, I got out of the shower and things were too quiet. Well, except for the munching sound I heard coming from the living room. Hmmm????
Getting dressed as fast as possible, I went to investigate. My dear, darling marshmallow colored lab, who truly has a "puppy dog face" was eating a RAZOR!!! A RAZOR! Of all things to find in the house, what drew him to an old, green woman's disposable razor! And don't think for a second that he ate the handle...oh no! The handle was intact. The head of the razor, metal and all appeared to be in the gut of my creature! Because I'm the fabulous dog mother that I am, I wondered briefly how he had managed to eat such a thing and of course how he would poop that out without completely demolishing his inner "duct work." Then I just assumed that after eating a million tree branches, socks, foam from Tucker's bed, rocks, a basket, and I'm sure more, that he'd be just fine.
So that is the assumption that I'm operating under. If that doesn't end up being true, I'm sure our vet will enjoy a very expensive visit! :) Oh let's hope not...
This morning was no exception.
Each morning, I hop in the shower after dragging myself out of my snuggly, warm bed. Only to be greeted by two overly energetic creatures, tails wagging. In the 10 minutes I'm in the shower and Cliff is in bed, we trust Tucker and Gunner to behave themselves. Usually, all is well, and Gunner relaxes in the steamy bathroom on the bathmat. This morning though, I got out of the shower and things were too quiet. Well, except for the munching sound I heard coming from the living room. Hmmm????
Getting dressed as fast as possible, I went to investigate. My dear, darling marshmallow colored lab, who truly has a "puppy dog face" was eating a RAZOR!!! A RAZOR! Of all things to find in the house, what drew him to an old, green woman's disposable razor! And don't think for a second that he ate the handle...oh no! The handle was intact. The head of the razor, metal and all appeared to be in the gut of my creature! Because I'm the fabulous dog mother that I am, I wondered briefly how he had managed to eat such a thing and of course how he would poop that out without completely demolishing his inner "duct work." Then I just assumed that after eating a million tree branches, socks, foam from Tucker's bed, rocks, a basket, and I'm sure more, that he'd be just fine.
So that is the assumption that I'm operating under. If that doesn't end up being true, I'm sure our vet will enjoy a very expensive visit! :) Oh let's hope not...
Monday, November 24, 2008
National Boards!!!
Cliff and I both passed our National Boards. After a year of intense work...300+ hours of writing, reading, and study, we passed. We submitted our 100 pages of writing and took our 4 hour test in March. At 6am on Friday, we logged into our profiles on the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards website and after a few nervous dry heaves found out that we passed! When that "Congratulations" screen popped up, we both thought we would instantly die of relief and excitement.
If you have no idea what I mean when I say, "National Boards", click here.
If you have no idea what I mean when I say, "National Boards", click here.
Three Blind Mice? No, Three Wild Dogs...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Back from Vacation!
We just got home from a wonderful three week vacation! We went everywhere, or so it seemed. Our trip started in Omaha, NE, where I was in my friend Amanda's wedding. Then we drove to Kansas City with Katie and Brent. We had such a relaxing week hanging with them in their gorgeous home near a lake in Kansas - it was such a treat.
We had a wonderful trip, but it was nice to arrive home to our two pups and lawn that looked like the jungle. Tucker was exhausted from spending time with Mimi and Grandpa and our friends Katie and Ryan from church. Gunner stayed with our friends Matt and Court and their black lab, Sabre. He has grown SO much! It was shocking to see him, but such fun to see him grow. We love our boys. (Pictured below: Sabre and Gunner)
Then from the quiet relaxation of their house, the four of us flew to NYC for quite a four day experience! We had such an amazing time...doing all the "touristy" things. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Ground Zero, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Central Park, the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Plaza, went to The Lion King and ate amazing food! It was a very special and memorable trip with them.
From NYC, Cliff and I flew to Birmingham, AL, and drove to Huntsville, AL. We stayed with some dear family friends there, and I was in another friend's wedding (Hannah). From Huntsville, we flew to KY to spend time with Cliff's brother, Mark. We had an amazing time touring around the beautiful state of Kentucky, with quite a fantastic tour guide. :)
Our last leg of the trip was to Indianapolis to spend a brief night with Cliff's parents in their new house. It was so fun to be there to see how much they've already done to their new home. We spent time with family and friends we haven't seen in a quite awhile - it was a treat.
We had a wonderful trip, but it was nice to arrive home to our two pups and lawn that looked like the jungle. Tucker was exhausted from spending time with Mimi and Grandpa and our friends Katie and Ryan from church. Gunner stayed with our friends Matt and Court and their black lab, Sabre. He has grown SO much! It was shocking to see him, but such fun to see him grow. We love our boys. (Pictured below: Sabre and Gunner)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
New Baby!

Well, a four-legged baby. :) We welcomed Gunner into our family on Tuesday night. He is a very sweet boy. After looking for a puppy for about a year, we finally came across Gunner's litter. There were 11 puppies born to Gunner's mom, Josie (a black lab/golden retriever mix) and Gunner's dad, Dodge (a purebred chocolate lab). Even though both mom and dad are black, Gunner and 3 of his other siblings were golden. We love him dearly.
Tucker is extremely patient and we are thankful for his instruction and modeling for Gunner. Come by and meet him anytime.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
We're DONE!!!
We officially finished the National Board process this morning. As of 11:04am, we both completed our three hour computer based essay test. This portion of the National Board process is worth 40% of our overall score. The huge portfolio we submitted at the end of March was worth 60%. Whew!
We both feel like this has been a valuable experience, but a huge investment of our time and energy over the course of the last year. While we don't find out if we passed until late November because of the huge volume of writing that actual people read and score, we are excited to be done! Some people thought we were totally insane to both be doing this at the same time. All the nights we sat on the couch typing next to each other, it made it easier to accept, because I didn't feel bad that he was on his own...we were both focused on our computers! :)
As to our celebration...we went to lunch after the test and then came home and took a nap. Sounds like a perfect way to celebrate to me!!
If you wand more info about the process we went through, check this link out...
We both feel like this has been a valuable experience, but a huge investment of our time and energy over the course of the last year. While we don't find out if we passed until late November because of the huge volume of writing that actual people read and score, we are excited to be done! Some people thought we were totally insane to both be doing this at the same time. All the nights we sat on the couch typing next to each other, it made it easier to accept, because I didn't feel bad that he was on his own...we were both focused on our computers! :)
As to our celebration...we went to lunch after the test and then came home and took a nap. Sounds like a perfect way to celebrate to me!!
If you wand more info about the process we went through, check this link out...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Great place!
Last night we went with some friends to happy hour and then to a local pub. Cliff and I had never been to this place before, even though it is only a few minutes from our house. The Beveridge Place Pub was fantastic! It is newly renovated with a very cozy feeling. The rustic hardwood floors were covered in interesting rugs and large comfy chairs and couches were spread throughout. They had a shelf full of games and cards. (We played quite a few rounds of Jenga!) They had two pool tables, darts, checkerboard tables, and foosball. They serve only beer and wine (no margaritas for me), but had tons of local brews on tap. Cliff was of course thrilled. :) You can bring in your own take-out or order pizza and have it delivered to the pub! We loved this!
The best part though was that you can bring in your four-legged friends! There were at least 5 dogs in the place last night. All of them were super friendly and very chill. Tucker would be a bit much we think, but we are planning to take him and Sabre on a quiet night. Anyone who comes to visit, we're taking you! It was such an awesome place - packed with people, but a very relaxed atmosphere. Loved it!
The best part though was that you can bring in your four-legged friends! There were at least 5 dogs in the place last night. All of them were super friendly and very chill. Tucker would be a bit much we think, but we are planning to take him and Sabre on a quiet night. Anyone who comes to visit, we're taking you! It was such an awesome place - packed with people, but a very relaxed atmosphere. Loved it!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Going Green
I should be afraid to write this, but I do have to say...I've never really cared all that much about where my food comes from, how much electricity I'm using if I can pay the bill, what cleaning products I'm using, etc. My whole perspective is truly changing. I can't pinpoint exactly what has been altering my perspective...
-living in the Northwest around a bunch of "granolas"
-powerful documentaries (we have watched several..."Where does your food come from?" and "Inconvenient Truth" are two favorites)
-the ongoing conversation about our environment
-friends who live "green" lives
-God changing my heart
I've always just bought what was on sale and not worried too much about our food or where it comes from. Lately, we've been getting local organic produce delivered to our front door twice a month (how convenient is that!) by a great company - Pioneer Organics. I'm trying to cut down on our waste as well as the amount of packaging that we use. I am in love with Trader Joe's! :) We're eating better and I'm actually spending less.
My new favorite cleaning product..."Greenworks All-Purpose Cleaner" which is a "green" product made by Clorox. Smells great and does a great job. The cost is not much more if any different. It smells so lemony fresh, but not fake. Check them out: http://www.greenworkscleaners.com/ I bought mine at the grocery store this weekend.
The other day at Costco, I noticed a 10 pack of the compact fluorescent bulbs on sale (major sale) because Seattle City Light (our utility company) was offsetting the cost of the bulbs in a major way. I was able to buy 10 of these fancy-shmancy bulbs for $9! They are usually about $4 each! What a steal. You know I love a bargain! The nicest man was looking at them too and counseling me on my decision. He asked if I'd used these bulbs before and I told him that I hadn't. He really encouraged me to take the plunge. He mentioned how astonished I'd be at the reduction in my light bill. I asked about the light - did it feel fluorescent? He said no, I trusted him, and I bought the bulbs. I am so glad that I did. That was such an easy and quick fix.
Please know, I'm not writing this to pat myself on the back, by any means! Truly this is my new realization...that for me, it is important to know where our food comes from and what little steps I can take to help a major problem. Nothing that I did was hard...I needed new light bulbs, so I bought energy efficient ones; I needed to replace my all-purpose cleaner, so I bought natural products, etc. We're not planning to start hiking to work anytime soon. :)
I live in a city that is incredibly progressive when it comes to the idea of "green", but I was not taking full advantage of all that was being offered to reduce my carbon footprint. We're trying - slowly, but surely...I'd encourage you to try some of these little changes as well.
We're on our way to being "granolas"!!!
-living in the Northwest around a bunch of "granolas"
-powerful documentaries (we have watched several..."Where does your food come from?" and "Inconvenient Truth" are two favorites)
-the ongoing conversation about our environment
-friends who live "green" lives
-God changing my heart
I've always just bought what was on sale and not worried too much about our food or where it comes from. Lately, we've been getting local organic produce delivered to our front door twice a month (how convenient is that!) by a great company - Pioneer Organics. I'm trying to cut down on our waste as well as the amount of packaging that we use. I am in love with Trader Joe's! :) We're eating better and I'm actually spending less.
My new favorite cleaning product..."Greenworks All-Purpose Cleaner" which is a "green" product made by Clorox. Smells great and does a great job. The cost is not much more if any different. It smells so lemony fresh, but not fake. Check them out: http://www.greenworkscleaners.com/ I bought mine at the grocery store this weekend.
The other day at Costco, I noticed a 10 pack of the compact fluorescent bulbs on sale (major sale) because Seattle City Light (our utility company) was offsetting the cost of the bulbs in a major way. I was able to buy 10 of these fancy-shmancy bulbs for $9! They are usually about $4 each! What a steal. You know I love a bargain! The nicest man was looking at them too and counseling me on my decision. He asked if I'd used these bulbs before and I told him that I hadn't. He really encouraged me to take the plunge. He mentioned how astonished I'd be at the reduction in my light bill. I asked about the light - did it feel fluorescent? He said no, I trusted him, and I bought the bulbs. I am so glad that I did. That was such an easy and quick fix.
Please know, I'm not writing this to pat myself on the back, by any means! Truly this is my new realization...that for me, it is important to know where our food comes from and what little steps I can take to help a major problem. Nothing that I did was hard...I needed new light bulbs, so I bought energy efficient ones; I needed to replace my all-purpose cleaner, so I bought natural products, etc. We're not planning to start hiking to work anytime soon. :)
I live in a city that is incredibly progressive when it comes to the idea of "green", but I was not taking full advantage of all that was being offered to reduce my carbon footprint. We're trying - slowly, but surely...I'd encourage you to try some of these little changes as well.
We're on our way to being "granolas"!!!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Tucker and Sabre

Tucker is of course our charming and ever-needy golden retriever. Our good friends, Matt and Courtney, recently (well, in October) got a gorgeous and very well-behaved puppy, Sabre. Her dad was a golden retriever and her mom was a black lab/chocolate lab mix. She has such a wonderful temperament and adores her older cousin Tucker. He loves her too. I have never seen him be more patient with any other dog. She watches his every move and does as he does....
Tucker peers, Sabre pees.
Tucker poops, Sabre poops.
Tucker eats, Sabre tries to eat his food.
Tucker sleeps, Sabre tried to wake him up. (So she doesn't do everything just like him!)
They have a great time playing together. It has been really fun to see them with each other. It has made us think of getting a puppy this summer. No promises, but definitely a possibility! We hope you love the pictures as much as we do.
*We kept Sab for a week while Matt and Court were in NY...what a fun experience that was!!
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