Monday, November 24, 2008

National Boards!!!

Cliff and I both passed our National Boards. After a year of intense work...300+ hours of writing, reading, and study, we passed. We submitted our 100 pages of writing and took our 4 hour test in March. At 6am on Friday, we logged into our profiles on the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards website and after a few nervous dry heaves found out that we passed! When that "Congratulations" screen popped up, we both thought we would instantly die of relief and excitement.


If you have no idea what I mean when I say, "National Boards", click here.

Three Blind Mice? No, Three Wild Dogs...

Sabre, Gunner, and Tucker...

Here are our two crazy critters with their best friend, Sabre. They stayed over at Matt & Courtney's for the weekend, while we were out of town. As far as we know, they all survived!