Thursday, April 29, 2010
Antioch Adoptions Banquet
Would you like to join us in celebrating the amazing work God has done through Antioch Adoptions? Tickets to this celebration are $40 per person and tickets can be purchased by clicking HERE.
The Mission of Antioch Adoptions: To place infants and children regardless of ethnicity, age, or special needs into Christian adoptive homes, and to remove financial, perceptual and practical barriers to adoption.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Suffering Well
Below is an exert that appeared on the Resurgence blog from Pastor Mark's new book, Doctrine. It explains that we image God (i.e. think, feel, act like him) when we suffer well.
From Doctrine, Chapter 4. Image: God Loves (pgs. 141–142).When the clouds of trial, pain, loss, hardship, hurt, and tears roll in, we must never forget that our Lord Jesus Christ imaged God well even when suffering. When Jesus was hurting the most, as he hung on the cross for our sins, he reflected the mercy and justice of God perfectly.
Jesus invites us to not waste the worst moments and seasons of our life but rather consider them treasures to be invested purposefully in glorifying God by imaging the character of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is Jesus' point when he says, 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'
Thankfully, unlike so many half-true theologies that speak only of the victories of Christian life and how to image God when we are winning, Jesus shows us that if our aim is to image God, then when we win and lose and as we live and die, every moment is a sacred opportunity to be captured for his glory, our joy, and others' good.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
We Submitted Our Adoption Paperwork!
A few weeks ago, we also went to the King County Courthouse to have our finger prints taken as part of our FBI background check. Let me tell you, the courthouse is not a fun place--nothing says "welcome" like metal detectors. (And while Mackenzie was getting her fingerprints taken, I witnessed an intoxicated man yell, "I'm 'bout to sue somebody. I don't need no identification," to the woman behind the counter.)
Moving forward, it takes about a month to process the packet and schedule a pre-screening appointment, which is a 2-3 hour meeting with a pastor from Antioch and a member of the adoption ministry team.
Please pray that God would continue preparing our hearts and our home for the child (or children) he has chosen for us, and help us be patient as we walk through this process.
Monday, April 19, 2010
People God Brings
I’m sure it wouldn’t be a surprise for me to tell you that there have been some pretty low, lows over the last few months, but you might be surprised to know that we’ve also experienced some of the most encouraging moments as well. We have been amazed at the peace we have that comes only from God, but also the people God has brought into our lives.
On Thursday, March 18, Cliff and I had an appointment with a doctor at the University of Washington. After discussing the results from Cliff's most recent round of tests, he gave us a treatment plan, which included putting Cliff on some medication, putting me on some medication, and scheduling follow up appointments with him and with a local fertility clinic. We left assuming that we’d move forward. Why wouldn’t we? We had said we wanted to do some of these treatments, the doctor felt like they could work, they weren’t as expensive as some of the other options, etc.
But frankly, we left feeling overwhelmed and unsure. We prayed and asked others to pray with and for us, that God would make clear to us His plan—seek medical intervention, seek adoption, or do both simultaneously. We decided to take until Monday to fill any prescriptions or move forward with any decisions.
On Saturday morning, we typically get together with our community group from church. On this particular Saturday, a new family walked in the door: mom, dad, and daughter. We welcomed them, learned their names, and were excited they’d joined us. As we began talking, I shared that Cliff and I were facing infertility, were praying about whether to pursue adoption or seek medical intervention, and that we were praying for people to speak into this decision.
At that point, the wife from the new couple, said, “We adopted our daughter three years ago.” She went on to tell us that she previously worked for an adoption agency and has been praying for a couple to walk through adoption with.
God answered our prayers. He didn’t answer our prayer by audibly speaking to me, but He answered it by strategically placing a family in our life to comfort us, provide wisdom, and encourage us through the complex process of adoption.
It is moments like this that remind me that nothing is coincidental...nothing.
I am so thankful that God has a plan—a plan that is far greater than our own.
I am so thankful for new friends (and “old” friends alike).
I am so thankful for people to speak into our life from their own personal experiences.
I am so thankful that God uses the trials of life to bless others.
We feel quite blessed to see God at work in such a powerful way.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Book Recommendation: Hannah's Hope

Hannah's Hope is written by Jennifer Saake, a woman who has experienced ten miscarriages and failed adoptions. She and her husband created a nonprofit organization, Hannah's Prayer Ministries, to help couples struggling with infertility, miscarriage, and adoption loss. She deeply and personally understands these painful struggles.
As you can probably assume from the title, the author frames her book around Hannah from the Bible. Hannah is a woman deeply saddened by her inability to conceive. 1 Samuel 1-2 tells the story of God's work in her life. Ultimately, Hannah does give birth to a son, Samuel, whom she gives over to the Lord. Samuel came into existence according to God's perfect plan for his life as well as for Hannah's.
One thing I really appreciated about this book is that Mrs. Saake emphasized the fact that God does allow some couples struggling with infertility to become pregnant; however, that is not always the way God answers the desire for children. Some couples have the honor of adopting children, and others choose to love the children of friends and family. I appreciated at one point in the book she mentioned that, "God may surprise you by the ways He answers your heart's cry." Even though we may be surprised by His plan, it is ultimately far greater than our own.
In this book, Mrs. Saake addresses the anger, sadness, and hope that sometimes come with struggling to have a child. As she writes, she does so from personal experience, but more notably using biblical truth.
One section of this book that could be very helpful for many people is the section at the end of each chapter entitled "Burden Bearers." This section is written for friends, family, and church leaders who are supporting or counseling people struggling with infertility. Each section offers useful tips about what to say and what might be hurtful, whether intended or not.
I would most definitely consider this book a "must read" for anyone who has a friend or family member dealing with infertility, anyone who has walked the road of infertility, or anyone who counsels people struggling with infertility. While the cover of the book is distinctly feminine, Cliff initially read the book to gain a deeper understanding into what I might be feeling, but found it incredibly helpful for himself.
Apart from Scripture, this book has been the most helpful to me in our struggle with infertility.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Ellis Update: Pursuing Adoption
That led us to see four different doctors, most of them fertility specialists, and complete a myriad of fertility tests for both Cliff and me before we were told that medically speaking, we have “less than a 2% chance of getting pregnant without medical intervention.” The doctors’ suggested course of treatment, based on Cliff’s abnormal semen analyses and my low progesterone levels was In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). We have decided not to pursue IVF because of the cost and our own comfort level.
One doctor suggested Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), which is much less expensive than IVF. He put together a plan for us to try, and I was excited about the chance to at least try this procedure. But after prayerfully considering this option, both Cliff and I just have a “gut” feeling that we aren’t to pursue medical intervention for our infertility at this time. We are not opposed to medical intervention—just don’t feel called to pursue it.
On March 8, 2010, amidst many weeks of doctor appointments, we attended an Intro to Adoption class at Antioch Adoptions, which is a ministry of Antioch Bible Church. This amazing ministry offers adoptions at no cost to Christian families living in Western Washington. We learned about this ministry when we attended Antioch Bible Church before becoming members at Mars Hill Church.
God did a work in us at the Intro to Adoption class; we both left feeling very excited by the opportunity to adopt children. Since then, as we’ve prayed for clarity over whether to adopt or pursue medical intervention, God has overwhelmingly pointed us toward adoption and we are thankful for that direction.
Cliff and I have had a difficult few months, but have been amazed at how God has carried us through this. At no other point in my life have I ever felt such a deep connection to Jesus and comfort in my suffering. We have learned a lot, have been humbled by the love and support of friends and family, and are joyful about what God is doing in and through us.
We pray every day for the child or children God will bring into our home, whether through adoption or biologically. Our prayer is that ultimately, our hope is in Jesus, not in our desire for a child through adoption or pregnancy—that we would rely on Him for our comfort and peace.
In the coming weeks and months, we plan to give you periodic updates on where we are in the process and what God is doing in the midst of it. In the meantime, your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Please pray that we would keep our eyes on Jesus and not become entirely focused on our desire for children. Please ask us hard questions. Please know that we want to talk about this openly and honestly and that we’re thankful for friends and family to do that with. Please share with us what you’re struggling with and how we can pray for you.
A verse that has been of great comfort to us in the last few months and is written on our fridge indefinitely is James 1:2-3:
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Favorite Restaurants
These are some of our old favorites:
- Buddha Ruksa - The crispy garlic chicken is their speciality and a food I believe I could eat every single day for the rest of my life! I rarely agree to eat Thai food anywhere but Buddha.
- Mission - Another West Seattle fave, this chic Mexican restaurant has a charming atmosphere, delicious guacamole, and a mean margarita!
- West 5 - Yet another West Seattle gem, who has the best happy hour as far as I'm concerned. Their nachos are amazing and the Mai Thai for $4 is huge, delicious, and comes in a fun glass - what could be better?
- Elliot Bay Brewery - Can you say root beer on tap and a Whiskey BBQ burger? I can and do every time we go to Elliot Bay!
- King's Hardware - A great burger joint in Ballard where we sometimes go on Sundays. How can you not love a place that has a Peanut Butter Burger? I've tried it - pretty good!
Do you have any favorites? We'd love to give them a try! Well that is if Cliff can get me to go somewhere other than Buddha Ruksa!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Marginless Living
Earlier this year, I attended a mid-week class at our church taught by Pastor Bill Clem (the Mars Hill Ballard campus pastor) on Spiritual Disciplines. He taught on Worship, Fasting, Sabbath, Solitude, and many other disciplines we as Christians can and should practice; not out of duty to be "good" people, but out of a desire to become more like Jesus and deepen our relationship with Him.
One of the things Pastor Bill shared that really resonated with me was the idea that most of us are living marginless lives. When we read a book, the designer of the text has placed open space around the outside edge of the page and space between paragraphs to help the reader access the text and be able to slow down, jot notes, or take a moment to think. Pastor Bill went on to say that many of us do not have these margins within our own lives - we pack our schedules so tightly that we don't/can't take the time to stop and pray with a friend, call our families, or be available to help those in need. He also noted that this marginless living was not only about our time, but we also do this with our money, so we don't have any "wiggle" room to bless others. That was very convicting for me. In many ways, I am living a marginless life.
So that begs the can those margins become part of my life? How can I align my priorities so I'm not just running from one "to do" to another?
Lately, I've been praying that God would open my heart and build in me an understanding 0f the important versus the urgent and the necessary versus the unnecessary.
I am thankful that this week is my spring break; that I have some time to hit the "reset" button and focus on what is really important. In that, my desire is to have God-honoring priorities: time with God, time with Cliff, working in our home, and time with friends and family. I am praying that God would continue to teach me what it means to live a life with margins and how to honor Him with my priorities.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." -Matthew 6:33
Monday, April 05, 2010
Happy Birthday, Gunner!

Yesterday, Gunner turned 2! It doesn't seem that long ago that this wild one joined our little family. He has brought much joy, heartache, and laughter to our home.
While I am embarrassed to say, I've actually thrown a dog birthday party (for Tucker a few years ago), Gunner's birthday coincided with Easter, so he got a sleepy day at home with Tucker. I guess that is appropriate for a yellow lab's birthday. He certainly doesn't know the difference!
Nonetheless, he is a special part of our family and we are thankful for his sweet life.

Sunday, April 04, 2010
Happy Easter!
"For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21
If you haven't been able to get to church or would like to visit our church online, all the services today are being streamed live. The last one is at 7:15pm (PDT). Awesome music, a great message from Pastor Mark, and baptisms - lots of them! 222 people were baptized as of 11:30am today! CHECK IT OUT!
Christ is Risen. Christ is Risen, indeed!
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Colorful Eggs
As a kid, I don't remember this really being a family tradition, but last year and this year, I've participated in this spring time ritual and loved it! This year Teresa shared some egg dyeing tips: use brown eggs as they produce richer colors and put the egg into a wire whisk so they get evenly coated and your fingers don't turn colors. Both ideas made the whole process much easier and our results more beautiful.
Brian and Cliff watched the basketball games, Sam wandered from room to room (after dyeing one egg), and Teresa and I had a wonderful time together. Check our our handiwork below...