We haven't posted on this blog since Valentine's Day...trust me, we have been busy!
It is hard to believe that we are now parents to two kids. Yes, you read that correctly...we have two amazing kids. After almost three years desiring to be parents, praying for the blessing of children, researching infertility options, pursuing adoption, completing paperwork, attending classes, and preparing our hearts, we were blessed with a sibling group through the Washington state foster care system.
It all happened extremely quickly - on a Friday we met the kids, the following Tuesday they came for an overnight visit, and then the following Friday they came to our home for a long-term placement (with our desire being that this would eventually move toward adoption). Over the course of the next few months and potentially years, we will pursue adoption of these two precious kids. Please pray with us. (More on that later...)
Our two blessings are siblings. Z is an amazing three year old girl and her brother, L, is ten months old. Because they are currently a foster placement, we cannot post pictures or their full names. The details of their history, story, and background will remain ours to share with them; we won't share it publicly. Our desire is to share what we're learning, how we're growing, the joy we're experiencing, but most importantly how we're seeing God more fully in the midst of all of this.
It has been a HUGE adjustment to parenthood. To be honest, I have so much I want to say. I want to tell you how much fear I had about bringing them home; how much more I love my husband today than I even did two months ago; how we serve an amazing and good God; how much Z loves Elmo; how L has the most amazing belly laugh; how I get to stay home with them each and every day; about my friends and families who have loved our kids before they had even met them; how God's provision for us through our community has been staggering. I will share all of these things, or I'll try to. To be honest, it is hard being a mom and I don't find a whole lot of time for much beyond routine daily tasks...writing a blog post sounds exhausting! (No one ever tells you how much laundry there is when you have kids.) But is is also difficult to think about capturing some of these beautiful moments in words.
I'm not sure there are words to express how immensely grateful and blessed we've been in the last two months. There have been MANY hard days, yet most filled to the brim with joy.
Today was one of those days...a day that I hope I'll remember for a long time. It wasn't particularly memorable for any one reason, just a day where I actually realized how much I have to be thankful for.