Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010 Book #3: From Clutter to Clarity

From Clutter to Clarity: Simplifying Life from the Inside Out by Nancy Twigg

I consider myself to be a pretty organized and “clutter free” person. I like to use my label maker (yes, I have one!), buy bins and labels at The Container Store, take donations to Goodwill frequently, and enjoy the yearly “clean out” of my kitchen cabinets.

Despite my self-proclaimed “amazing” organizational skills (ha), the book From Clutter to Clarity: Simplifying Life from the Inside Out by Nancy Twigg appealed to me. I added this book to my Reading List for 2010, because I thought it would be an interesting read and it came recommended from a blogger I enjoy. I didn’t think I would learn much, but that it would have some good reminders and be a check-up; boy was I was wrong.

Nancy Twigg states her definition of clutter as “anything that complicates your life and prevents you from living in peace as you live out your purpose (p.15).” My purpose is to live for Jesus, honoring him with my marriage, home, family, job, money, time, etc.

In her book, Nancy outlines three big areas where clutter can impact our lives: thoughts and attitudes, lifestyle, and money matters. After praying and searching my heart, these are some of the areas that “clutter” my life and take my focus off of Jesus:
· Comparing myself and possessions to others
· Over committing – saying yes, when I should say no
· Shopping – the desire for “stuff” that we do not need
· Technology – a time waster (facebook, my Google Reader, etc.)

This book challenged me to examine the ways in which I am allowing distractors into my mind, our home, and our lives. I am praying about how to eliminate some of the clutter in my life and talking with Cliff about boundaries that would be helpful to establish. My desire is for my life and home to honor God through clarity rather than living life distracted by clutter or being so bogged down by the stuff that I lose track of my real purpose.

I would encourage you to read this book and examine your own life. What gets in the way of you fulfilling your God given purpose? What is the clutter in your life that needs to, by God’s grace, be removed?

I’m thinking about and praying over these verses:
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” –Hebrews 12: 1-2

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