Monday, January 03, 2011

Mackenzie's Reading List - 2011

Last year I started what I hope will become an annual tradition of selecting the books I'd like to read over the course of the coming year. Planning in this way helped me be intentional about my reading. I really enjoyed the process of selecting the books at the beginning of the year, buying and borrowing them, and then actually reading! My list is a bit longer this year, and I'm sure I'll continue to add to it as the months go by.

Many of the books on my list were recommended by friends, and I like that. It's nice to know when a particular book has been meaningful to someone you love and care about.

So without further ado, here are the twenty books I plan to read in 2011:

Each day I'll also be reading:

What are you reading this year? Anything you think I should add to my list?

1 comment:

The Hungry Housewives said...

I love your idea of making an actual list. Good Reads has a great website for keeping track of books you've read or want to read (you can even rate them and share with friends).
I see a couple on there that you must have missed reading in high school ;) we just bought Lord Of The Flies for my daughter who's a jr. Great book! Right now I'm reading The Household Guide To Dying which is about a wife and mom who writes for a household advice column and finds out she has cancer. Good luck on finishing your list!