Saturday, November 17, 2012


Our sweet girl started preschool in September. We're very thankful she gets to go to a local public school that hosts an integrated preschool. Which means that in her class, half of the students have some type of disability and the other half are considered typically developing peers. As one of the students who is typically developing, it provides Z with lots of opportunities to lead and model for other students.

Also, her teacher is not only fantastic, but she's also a friend. Her teacher goes to our church and has been such a huge blessing through this transition...from first suggesting the school to us to providing suggestions for at home skill development. She is a huge blessing to our family.

Our girl LOVES school. She asks if it is time to go the instant her clothes are on for the day. She is always excited to put on her owl backpack and head out the door with daddy. It is perfect timing, as she's there four mornings a week, giving our little boy and I some sweet time together.

It is a wonderful situation, and one I'm abundantly thankful for.

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