Friday, March 05, 2010

Why Do People Reject Jesus?

A few weeks ago, Pastor Mark Driscoll, the preaching pastor at Mars Hill Church, where we've been attending for the past four years and where I've worked for nearly the last two years, taught from Luke 4:22-30.

In this passage, Jesus visits his hometown, Nazareth, and preaches to the people there. At first, they're excited to have him preach because he's gained quite a reputation in the area, but when he starts calling them out on their sin...well, their mood changes a bit--to the point that they're ready to throw him off a cliff.

From this text, Pastor Mark laid out eight reasons why people might reject Jesus:
  1. Theology
  2. Control
  3. Greed
  4. Selfishness
  5. Familiarity
  6. Comfort
  7. Embarrassment
  8. Religion
You can read more about these eight reasons for rejecting Jesus HERE or you can watch the whole sermon HERE.

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