Thursday, May 06, 2010

Next Steps in the Adoption Process

Many of you have asked, "So now what?!?!" in reference to the next steps in our journey toward adoption. To summarize, there are many and they could take a long time.

We submitted our paperwork, and are now waiting for a phone call to set up interviews with Antioch Adoptions. If approved, we would then participate in PRIDE (Parents' Resources for Information Development Education) trainings through the state, complete a home study, and then wait for the child God has planned for our family. The entire process can go quickly (nine months) or can go more slowly (years).

For those of you that know Cliff and me well, the waiting game is not our strength. Nothing about this process is easy, expected, or accommodating to a couple of Type A planners like we are.

We are certainly learning what it looks like to submit to God's timing and not our own and to wait patiently. We would truly appreciate your prayers as we embark upon the very beginning of this huge and complex process.

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