Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Goodreads: Social Media For Readers

I enjoy Facebook and Twitter as much as the next social media fanatic, but in many ways my favorite social media site is Goodreads. This is a great site for bookworms like myself, who enjoy keeping track of what they read, reading and sharing reviews and ratings, seeing what friends are reading, and discovering new books.

There are many other features that I haven't even explored yet, but one of my favorite organizational options is the customizable bookshelves. The site allows you to create different bookshelves to arrange your books anyway you like. I try to keep mine simple: currently reading, to-read, and read. My "to-read" list is a bit daunting, but it's good to know there's never a shortage of books to read and things to learn--keeps me humble.

Teresa, my best "Goodreads friend" (and a great friend in real life, too), pointed out recently that my "read" list has been heavily weighted with theological books. That's not a bad thing, of course, but she encouraged me to throw in a piece of fiction every now and then, which I definitely plan to do after finishing the Re:Train program next month.

If you haven't already, I'd encourage you to join Goodreads, add your books, and add me as a friend, so I can keep up with what you're reading.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Yea! I made your blog!!