Turns out, we are loving it too! The format of 24 episodes, each covering one hour, so that the whole season spans one day is intriguing and quite brilliant. We're not sure we'll watch all eight seasons, but we're certainly enjoying this first season.
After watching the first few episodes, I equated Jack Bauer (the main character) as the MacGyver of the current generation. Loved that MacGyver could save the world with a roll of duct tape and a chocolate bar, and I love that Jack Bauer can defy every policy, protocol, and federal guideline in the name of justice.
Love it! I was actually just talking to someone last night who was "confessing" that he had stayed up until 2 AM the night/morning before because he couldn't stop watching. Of course I had to tell him about you guys, and Kate's parents, and Kate's aunt and uncle, and my family, and some other friends, and basically everyone who has ever tried to turn off 24 after watching an episode. Or two. Or three. Or a whole season. In one sitting. Don't judge me. =)
I'm just ditto'ing my husband here on this one and letting you know that when you guys come down to T-town for dinner I will wear my "Jack Bauer for President" shirt and we will decorate in black and yellow and Jason will wear his CTU shirt. Yeah. True story.
Jason and Kate, the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. We can get you help. There's still hope.
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