Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Chick Update: Week 2

Our chicks are now two weeks old. Thankfully we've yet to identify any of our lovely hens as roosters!

At this point, I'd estimate they've pretty much all doubled in size in the past two weeks and are losing their soft, fluffy down and gaining their feathers. You can see Blanche and Amelia are developing much faster than Delaney and Bethula. It is amazing to go to bed and then wake up and be able to notice differences in their feathers, size, and personalities. At this point, they're all attempting to fly...some with more success than others.

Here are some updated pictures...

Amelia...becoming bolder as the days go by!

Blanche...her feathers are amazing.

Bethula...little girl, but starting to give her wings a try.

Delaney...developing slowly, but is as pretty as ever.

All the girls! You can see who rules the roost.

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