We've had our suspicions all along, but as Cliff was mowing the lawn on Monday night, he heard three distinct "cock-a-doodle-dos" coming from the coop. He knew instantly that Bethula's days were numbered.
In the city of Seattle, you can have up to eight hens; however, city ordinance does not allow for any roosters. That makes perfect sense considering they are LOUD and we have neighbors! "Bethula" was just beginning to find his voice, but he was pretty disruptive.
Not knowing exactly what to do with him, I called my chicken friend Sarah for her advice. When I couldn't get a hold of her, I called a local feed store. They've been so helpful all along in answering questions, I was sure they'd know what to do. The suggestions from the feed store were simple - eat him or find someone who will. Not wanting to butcher a chicken this week, I posted him on Craigslist and a couple picked him up on Wednesday morning.
Our flock is down to three. Blanche, Amelia, and Delaney are holding strong and are doing great. I am sad that Bethula isn't around anymore and I am definitely going to miss the beautiful eggs that Ameraucana chickens lay, but Cliff has assured me that I we can try for another Ameraucana hen next year.
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